Simple does not mean Easy

January is flying by!  How are your resolutions holding up? Back on track with a training plan and eating plan?  That’s right, eating plan.   Let me ask you this…have you ever achieved exactly what you wanted without putting together a plan for getting it?...

My IRONMAN Nutrition Recap

Earlier this month I completed my third Ironman in Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. YAY! It was a lovely venue with the most amazing finishing chute.  The race director and community do a fabulous job of pulling together a top notch event.  I highly recommend it and...

Nutrition and Marriage

I was originally going to title this post “good things come to those who commit”, which got me thinking about one of the biggest commitments of all, marriage.  And since I should be writing about nutrition, it led me down this path on how marriage and nutrition are...

Salad Suicide

If you are subscribing to the metabolic efficiency way of eating, large salads can be a quick and easy meal, especially in the city where there is a new salad joint popping up on every corner.  However, if you don’t really understand the philosophy or you think that...