Life Update from Nicci

Life Update from Nicci

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by.  Where Has Nicci Been? You may have noticed that over the past few years there hasn’t been a lot going on with my blog, website, or group programs. The reason for that came back in 2017 while working with a military special operations...

Salad Suicide

If you are subscribing to the metabolic efficiency way of eating, large salads can be a quick and easy meal, especially in the city where there is a new salad joint popping up on every corner.  However, if you don’t really understand the philosophy or you think that...

Are you insane?

Some people would say that any endurance athlete is insane, because of the training and racing they do, but I think some are insane for a very different reason.   I’m talking about the popular definition of trying to achieve different results using the same...

Breakfast on the Go

By now we all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  And we all have the best intentions to do it right every day.  But the morning can quickly get out of control and before we know it we need to get out the door 5 minutes ago, and we haven’t even...