What’s on your plate?

March 12, 2014

Is spring here yet?


I’ve been asking myself this every day for the past few weeks.  Spring represents all things new, and I’m definitely ready for it.


hummingbirdNew flowers, new grass, new leaves, new sneakers, new tires for your bike, moving forward with new ideas, starting new projects, and working towards new goals.  Spring rejuvenates my energy and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything, so it can’t come soon enough!


I have a lot of things accumulating on my plate, and definitely need the burst of spring.  I’m in the middle of planning my wedding for later this year and sometimes my head wants to explode at how much time this consumes and how many details are required. Holy cow!


Things got overwhelming really quickly, and I knew that I needed to ask for help.


So, we hired a wedding planner, and I am so thankful that I did. She knows what needs to get done and when, so I don’t have to spend time stressing over most of it.


It allows me to focus more on the important things in my day to day like running my business, keeping my education up to date, working at my corporate job (exit plan on track), sticking to my training plan, cooking, and eating in the way that supports this busy life.


And sometimes it’s just the little things we need help with that make a tremendous difference in our ability to accomplish all we want in life.


One thing that I seriously dislike is cleaning, but I never wanted to pay someone else to do that for me because I felt like it should be my responsibility.  However, it created a lot of stress in my life, because I don’t like it when things aren’t neat around the house and I always had to do extra planning to find the time to get the cleaning done.  So, about eight months ago I decided that it was time to get help for the sanity of my household.  Let me tell you, this is the best money I spend every month.  I could have eliminated a lot of stress a long time ago if I just recognized how much I needed the help sooner!


One of the top complaints from my clients is that they don’t have the time to cook at home.  So we figure out what the source of that problem is and then they ask for help. Do they need someone else to buy the groceries? Do they need to have the groceries delivered? Do they need to off-load something from the weekend so they can shop and prep for meals then?


So, now I’m asking you, what is on your plate? What do you need help with? What is preventing you from accomplishing what is most important during your days? What is preventing you from reaching your goals?


Go get help now, while the momentum of spring is at your back.


Be brave and share below!

Feel good, do what you love,

Nicci signature